Wednesday, May 11, 2005

MLSTP Steps Up Attack On Menezes, As His Own Party Rises In Support

In a pair of article today in Tela Non, the Sao Tome Website that has become the focus of world attention for its frequently updated Portuguese-language reporting on the country's oil crisis, President Fradique de Menezes is both attacked and defended as investors await his signature of award documents that will let the Nigeria-Sao Tome and Principe Joint Development Authority announce the winners of its long-delayed second licensing round.

The stories, however, give no hint of when that may occur.

Update Again, a much-appreciated, useful translation from Homeport:
The nuts and bolts of above "Tela Non" articles by Valdimir Antonio: In the first piece, the secretary-general of the opposition MDFM/PL party - an ally of President de Menezes - is quoted as saying the recent accusations from the governing MLSTP-PSD party against the head of state are "nothing more" than an "electoralist, opportunistic" stance.

The charges of corruption and manipulation directed at de Menezes in the JDZ awards process aim simply to erase from public memory the fact that past MLSTP leaders were the ones who signed what today are viewed as "disastrous accords" that are "very damaging" to STP's interests.

The MLSTP is not in a position to "lecture anyone on transparency and good governance," Tome Vera Cruz is quoted as saying.

Today´s MLSTP leaders, he added, should "publicly apologize" for their predecessors having agreed to "contracts" that represent "authentic morgages on the country's oil resources."

Vera Cruz also accuses PM Damiao Vaz de Almeida of having made a recent trip to the US at the expense of the JDA (NB: apparently a reference to his trip to DC about two weeks ago, reportedly for debt-relief talks with the IMF and World Bank).
The second article, by the same journalist, has the MLSTP-PSD announcing it wants de Menezes personally investigated in the framework of an overall inquiry into the awards process.

It quotes spokesman Carlos Tiny as saying the party is instructing its bench, the biggest in the 55-seat parliament, to get the ball rolling to "investigate" the president's role in "the oil dossier."

This initiative comes in response to de Menezes having asked judicial authorities to open an inquiry into the whole process in the wake of the MLSTP´s accusations against him, Tela Non notes.

Tiny recalls that Menezes' ally Vera Cruz was dismissed last year from the previous MLSTP-led coalition cabinet of PM Maria das Neves for having signed a "clearly damaging" oil accord with ENERGEM.

Below the picture of Parliament in session on April 29 are the original Tela Non articles in Portuguese.

Light,Camera, Action!
In a political soap opera acted out on camera for the sake of next year's elections, Sao Tome Parliament's committee on petroleum affairs couldn't muster a quorum April 29 but used the occasion to criticize President Fradique de Menezes after the Nigeria-Sao Tome Joint Ministerial Council awarded blocks in a process delayed for years by political infighting; the uproar again delayed awards, now expected next week.

Here is the positive spin from the President's party, the MDFM:

MDFM defende Fradique
O MDFM/PL veio já em defesa do presidente da república.
by Valdimir António

SAO TOME -- O partido de inspiração de Fradique de Menezes, criticou duramente a última intervenção pública do MLSTP/PSD, considerando-a oportunista e com caracter eleitoralista.

Segundo Tomé Vera Cruz, Secretário Geral da formação política, o comunicado do partido no poder “não é mais do que uma atitude com caracter eleitoralista, oportunista e que visa apagar, fazer o povo esquecer os desastrosos acordos, protagonizados e assinados por dirigentes do MLSTP/PSD e que hoje está mais que demonstrado, são bastante lesivos aos interesses de São Tomé e Príncipe”.

Por isso mesmo, o MDFM diz que o partido de Guilherme Pósser da Costa não tem moral para dar lições de transparência e de boa governação a ninguém.

“Em vez de quererem passar por inocentes, os actuais dirigentes do MLSTP/PSD deviam pedir publicamente desculpas ao povo e ao país pelos contratos assinados pelos seus dirigentes no passado, que são autênticas hipotecas dos recursos petrolíferos do país”, sublinhou Tomé Vera Cruz.

A formação política vai mais longe e acusa o MLSTP/PSD de ser um partido panfletista por alegadamente fazer sair a rua panfletos contra o chefe de estado. Para Tomé Vera Cruz, “O MLSTP/PSD não hesitou em ir tão longe, num acto vergonhoso, anti-pedagógico para toda a geração que ainda poderia acreditar nos seus valores. Trás a praça pública acusações gravíssimas contra o presidente da república sem qualquer prova”.

O MDFM/PL acusou por outro lado o governo do partido no poder de estar a desgovernar. Entre outros exemplos da não transparência, a formação política garantiu que o primeiro ministro Damião Vaz d’Almeida viajou recentemente aos Estados Unidos utilizando dinheiro da Autoridade conjunta do petróleo.

And here is the story on the latest attack from the Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tome and the Social Democrats:

MLSTP/PSD quer que Fradique seja investigado
by Valdimir António

O maior partido são-tomense, o MLSTP/PSD, no poder, garantiu que vai instruir o seu grupo parlamentar para desencadear acções destinadas a que o presidente Fradique de Menezes também seja investigado no âmbito do dossier petróleo.

Na sequência das últimas acusações do MLSTP/PSD contra o chefe de estado Fradique de Menezes, a presidência da república, reclama uma intervenção investigatória por parte das autoridades judiciais, para que se apure a verdade e as responsabilidades de cada um.

Mas o maior partido são-tomense diz querer também que a verdade venha ao de cima. Segundo Carlos Tiny, porta-voz do partido, “Vamos pedir ao nosso grupo parlamentar para que a Assembleia Nacional pesa ao senhor Procurador Geral da República que ele nas suas diligências actue incluindo o actor que é o senhor Presidente da República”.

O MLSTP/PSD garante por outro lado, que a última conferência de imprensa do MDFM/PL visou simplesmente desviar a atenção do povo para as alegadas irregularidade que estão sendo cometidas no dossier petrolífero. O partido de Guilherme Pósser da Costa vai mais longe e diz que não aceita lições de transparência da parte de Tomé Vera Cruz.

“Lembramos que recentemente o pseudo líder do MDFM, o engenheiro Tomé Vera Cruz, foi expulso do governo da Dr.ª Maria das Neves pelo facto de o mesmo ter assinado um acordo do petróleo com a ENERGEM claramente lesivo para os interesses do país a mando do Presidente da República, sem a anuência do conselho de ministros”, recordou Carlos Tiny.

O principal partido são-tomense lembrou também que Fradique de Menezes não foi coerente com sua própria promessa eleitoral, uma vez que prometera na altura que caso não conseguisse em dois anos resolver os problemas do povo, abdicaria do cargo.

No entender do MLSTP/PSD, “passados quatro anos durante os quais em flagrante violação da constituição governou de facto o país, não foi capaz (o presidente da república) de cumprir a sua promessa eleitoral e resolver os problemas do povo, todavia tem vindo a resolver os seus problemas”.

O MLSTP/PSD acusou ainda o chefe de estado do arquipélago de estar a intimidar todos os cidadãos nacionais e estrangeiros que tentam obter esclarecimentos sobre a polémica.


...Joe Shea said...

It's a picture of Sao Tome's parliament meeting on April 29,
as the caption explains. Its purpose is to catch readers up on past events leading to the present impasse.

...Joe Shea said...

We've heard a lot about your book, Steve, and I would love to review it.
Write me at and I'll send contact info. Can't wait to see it!

Anonymous said...

Nuts and Bolts of above "Vitrina" articles:

In the first piece by Valdimir Antonio, the secretary-general of the opposition MDFM/PL party - an ally of President de Menezes - is quoted as saying the recent accusations from the governing MLSTP-PSD party against the head of state are "nothing more" than an "electoralist, opportunistic" stance.

The charges of corruption and manipulation directed at de Menezes in the JDZ awards process aim simply to erase from public memory the fact that past MLSTP leaders were the ones who signed what today are viewed as "disastrous accords" that are "very damaging" to STP's interests.

The MLSTP is not in a position to "lecture anyone on transparency and good governance", Tome Vera Cruz is quoted as saying.

Today´s MLSTP leaders, he added, should "publicly apologize" for their predecessors having agreed to "contracts" that represent "authentic morgages on the country's oil resources".

Vera Cruz also accuses PM Damiao Vaz de Almeida of having made a recent trip to the US at the expense of the JDA (NB: apparently a reference to his trip to DC about two weeks ago, reportedly for debt-relief talks with the IMF and World Bank).

The second article, by the same journalist, has the MLSTP-PSD announcing it wants de Menezes personally investigated in the framework of an overall inquiry into the awards process.

It quotes spokesman Carlos Tiny as saying the party is instructing its bench, the biggest in the 55-seat parliament, to get the ball rolling to "investigate" the president's role in "the oil dossier."

This initiative comes in response to de Menezes having asked judicial authorities to open an inquiry into the whole process in the wake of the MLSTP´s accusations against him, Vitrina notes.

Tiny recalls that Menezes' ally Vera Cruz was dismissed last year from the previous MLSTP-led coalition cabinet of PM Maria das Neves for having signed a "clearly damaging" oil accord with ENERGEM.


Looks like Sir Shea's Sheet is increasingly a bilingual publication. Hope the above is of help.


Anonymous said...

OOPS! Sorry but I mistakenly switched publication's name. The articles are from Tela Non, notnot Vitrina.
