Sunday, May 22, 2005

Joint Ministerial Council To Meet Again Tuesday At Sao Tome's Behest, A Comment Says

At the behest of the ruling party in Sao Tome and Principe, the Marxist-oriented Movement for the Liberation of Sao Tome and Principe, the Nigeria-Sao Tome and Principe Joint Ministerial Council will meet once again on Tuesday to determine the course of the awards process in which ERHC Energy has emerged as the biggest single winner of valuable acreage in the Nigeria-DRSTP Joint Development Zone in the Gulf of Guinea, a comment on the blog revealed Sunday.

That was the word today in a comment to ERHC On The Move apparently from mutwadadi, one of the most reliable posters ever to emerge on the three major message boards that serve the ERHC Energy investment community.

The note came shortly after ERHC On The Move suggested, also in our Comments section, that precisely that course of action might be taken by the MLSTP.

We must offer a caveat concerning this note: The note was not in the style of mutwadadi's previous posts except in its declarative style. He has never capitalized his name or written complete and formal sentences, and this current note is formally composed and all the capitalizations are grammatically correct but - again - are not in the style of muwadadi's earlier posts. His name is not capitalized, however.

This note could have been the work of someone hoping to confuse the process; for instance, the fact that the meeting is said to be on Tuesday would allow the person responsible for a false posting time to take advantage of a reduced stock price resulting from the post on Monday. Such individuals, who post under many aliases, try to never reveal their own identity.


Anonymous said...

Joe - honestly - you know the post was not from mutawadadi and yet you make a complete story up about what is now happening in your mind!
You and your band of idiots from all the boards have no idea what is really going on. Some DD you and all the others have shoved down peoples throats. I wish you all - sub penny!

Anonymous said...

Joe, You have now officially "gone off the deep end". I would consider it an honor if you would add my name to the "We Are Golden Gang".

...Joe Shea said...

It is completely possible that the JMC will meet again at the request of the MLSTP, exactly as I suggested in my post of an hour ago, and that mutwadadi would spruce up his writing. That is why I took it seriously. I believe I know the identity of mutwadadi, and it is certainly more consistent with his station in life to write a formal sentence. He does not owe us consistency.

4:08 PM

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous 4:04,

You were probably one of the idiots ripping Joe's board a few weeks ago when you and the "blue skies" crowd didnt like it that Joe was reporting about the problems bubbling up in Sao Tome.

Who turned out to be right and who was wrong? Remember all of the crying and whining that weekend.

Instead of bashing Joe you people should have offered him an apology. He was the only source that had it right.

I guess you guys cant handle the truth.

Anonymous said...

Joe the one thing I cant understand is this. If they cant come to an agreement on all 5 blocks why not release the blocks they have agreed on.

Block 2 for example. At least they could show that something has been done.

Anonymous said...

I dont see why you think the potential meeting of the JMC meeting Tuesday would be percieved as a negative.

I welcome such a meeting. Anything to keep this process moving. I would be more concerned if they stopped communicating.

Maybe they will do some minor reshuffling of percentages and this thing will get done.

...Joe Shea said...

I don't view it as a negative, either, but the investors who are more cautious may. I think it might be the best way to clear the air. The JMC could opt to review and revote within days. The outcome could well be the same, minus EEL, since the first awards decision was exhaustively researched by the JMC and was rather wiely done, I thought.

Anonymous said...

If this news of a meeting is true,then it is GREAT NEWS,imo...why on earth would open dialog between the parties involved be considered bad?

Anonymous said...

Walldog has never attempted to knowingly pass off false information as fact.My opinions may have been wrong,as everyones has on this stock....but I don't lie!


...Joe Shea said...

That's nice to know, walldog.

Anonymous said...

another empty promise of awards this week. how long can jdz drag this???? dump this pos.

Anonymous said...


This will take a LONG time.

Anonymous said...

Selling 50% of my holdings of

ERHE because this is taking too

long and I have other fish to fry.

Anonymous said...

JDA IS going to screw up the big EZZ. No round 2 no 61 blocks in June PERIOD.

Anonymous said...


O ex-ministro dos negócios estrangeiros e actual director do gabinete do presidente da republica é o virtual embaixador de S. Tomé e Príncipe na Republica Federativa da Nigéria. Uma fonte próxima da presidência da republica disse ao Vitrina que o decreto presidencial que nomeia Fernando Meira Rita como embaixador extraordinário e plenipotenciário de S. Tomé e Príncipe na Nigéria pode sair a qualquer momento, uma vez que “está tudo em marcha, e a espera apenas da aprovação, pela Nigéria do “agrememnt”. Apesar da mesma fonte admitir que “os últimos acontecimentos (a polémica sobre o dossier petróleo em que o nome de Meira Rita está envolvido) pode abalar ou retardar um pouco esta nomeação”, diz também que a nomeação o actual director do gabinete do presidente “é praticamente um dado adquirido”. Observadores admitem, contudo que depois de tudo quanto se falou a longo da ultima semana sobre o dossier petróleo, nomear Meira Rita neste momento para o cargo de embaixador na Nigéria é no mínimo suspeito.
O quinzenário “O Parvo escreve por exemplo na sua ultima edição que “Nando Rita poderá vir a ser embaixador de S. Tomé e Príncipe na Nigéria e Guiné Equatorial dentro de semanas, considerando essa situação como “incomoda para o chefe de estado Fradique de Menezes e o próprio Meira Rita, “se o presidente da republica nomear um accionista da ERHC que naturalmente poderá exe3rcer a sua influência como embaixador junto da empresa de ele também é sócio”.

Adianta a revista que “se isto vier a acontecer, Fradique de Menezes não estaria a demonstrar seriedade na condução desse processo (dossier petróleo)”, uma vez que a nomeação de Fernando Meira Rita será automaticamente vista como algo para defender directa ou indirectamente três interesses distintos: o primeiro, o seu próprio interesse, o segundo o do presidente da republica e o terceiro “ se sobrar” o do povo santomense.

O processo de exploração conjunto de petróleo na zona de interposição entre S. Tomé e Príncipe e Nigéria continua envolto em polémicas que obrigou o presidente nigeriano a deslocar-se a S. Tomé na última sexta-feira.

Olusengo Obasanjo reuniu-se com o presidente da republica, com o primeiro ministro e com a comissão nacional de petróleo. Tudo o que apurou não o deve ter deixado muito satisfeito, por isso entrou mudo e saiu calado, tendo feito algumas declarações sem qualquer consistência.

No entanto, depois das declarações acusatórias do embaixador nigeriano contra os dois partidos que sustentam o actual governo, as relações do MLSTP/PSD e do ADI com o diplomata nigeriano encontram-se atravessam uma situação bastante difícil.

Saidu Shettima Pindar acusou esses dois partidos de minarem as relações entre S. Tomé e Príncipe e a Nigéria, bem como de estar a bloquear a libertação dos 123 milhões de dólares já depositados pela Exxon Mobil, Chevrom Texacco e Dangote-EER que ganharam o concurso sobre o licenciamento do bloco um, na conta da Autoridade Conjunta, no banco nigeriano Halmark Banc Plc. Manuel Barros

Anonymous said...

Good call on the meeting, Joe. This should "decontaminate" the process, allowing it to move forward with a decision made by JMC members that are not personally tied to the results. I was fearful from the begining this would happen, but I am extremely excited now that I know it is happening so quickly.

Anonymous said...

BTW, 6:04 is SH70

Anonymous said...

as often before all info from sam dimka has been worthless, except for insiders who get more time to dump. should jmc be able to do the job in 2 days that the jda could not do in 5 months. please get real.

Anonymous said...


Kant you guys see that Joe Shea is actually RICK MAJERUS!

Do a google search...deadringer!