Monday, October 29, 2007

Florida Democrats to the DNC: Count Our Votes!

In a 10-minute clip from The American Reporter. 14 Florida Democrats ranging from state party chair Karen Thurman to Congressional candidate Christine Jennings talk about their reaction to a ruling by the Democratic National Committee rules committee not to count the votes of Florida Democrats in the state's Jan. 29, 2008, presidential primary.  The DNC says Florida, followed later by Michigan, was barred by DNC rules from moving its primary to any date ahead of Feb. 6, 2008, but Florida's Republican-dominated legislature made the decision to do so.  The penalty is the loss of all delegates to the Denver '08 nominating convention, and all but one of the oparty presidential candidates (ex-Sen. Mike Gravel of Alaska) signed a letter demanded by early primary states Nevada, South Carolina, Iowa and New Hampshire pledging not to campaign in Florida.  Many activists at the state's biennial 2007 convention in Orlando Oct. 27-29 were outraged.

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