Wednesday, July 06, 2005

"Oh! The Humanity!" Will They Sink The Ship Of Dreams?

That cry in a lone reporter's voice that rang out over the airwaves on May 6, 1937 as the Hindenburg caught on fire and slowly collapsed in a flaming torch falling to the ground was a moment of terror and remembrance for Americans of the time. For each who witnessed ( and heard it, the awful questions had just begun.

The consequences of the downturn ERHC Energy's share price is currently suffering may be nearly as cruel. People who hoped to pay for operations, put a down payment on a retirement home or provide for end-of-life nursing, to complete college, pay their childrens' tuition or help their favorite charity - or just take a well-deserved rest after a long life of hard work - see their hopes of achieving those goals slide further and further from them every day.

Of course, people who manipulate stocks for a living don't see it that way. They may just want to make their next car payment, afford a hooker tonight, make up losses at the dog track or pay alimony to a spiteful ex-spouse. Their rent is high, their children are selfish, money-grubbing brats and even their dog wants a piece of them. So, to them, a few hundred dollars and a cold beer at the end of another day of clever and not-so-clever deception is its own reward.

It helps to take a break from watching ERHC Energy for a while, perhaps to watch the world around us, to spend time with our friends, and most of all, to be with our families. This week I am going to New York to be with my brother, who is gravely ill with cancer and not expected to survive. He is the spirtual half of me, a person who devoted his life to others and the Church, and he has had a remarkably difficult life already, so it is even sadder to see the end come with greater suffering still.

Johnny has never complained, nor blamed God, and never has expressed the slightest doubt that God knows perfectly well what He is doing to him. I have not been so accepting, and this week alone have gone to Mass twice and said five rosaries to try to help. Each day I am encourage by news that he talked, or ate, or slept well, things that I would otherwise take completely for granted.

His example helps me deal with the disappointments that have come with the decline of ERHC Energy. I can't help but feel someone else knows a lot more about this stock and its actual destiny than I do. Indeed, there may be someone who knows that one day all of the value will be sucked out of it in a single breath, leaving heavily committed stockholders gasping for air - and grasping straws to shake at the wind.

And it is possible that there is still someone who know with absolute certainty that the value of ERHE will far surpass anything we have ever dreamed, as oil is discovered in our blocks and black gold starts to flow into our company's coffers.

Yes, the end will be the coffers or a coffin, as the company has said in numerous SEC filings. Again and again, they have warned that our sole asset is the rights we have won and that if we are unable to perfect them in Joint Operating Agreements and Production Sharing Contracts, or to raise cash to exploit them in their caches at the bottom of the sea, we will be ruined.

What is happening now is worthy of a mystery thriller, and it is revealing that even the most in-depth stories about ERHC Energy, and likely none of the stories yet to come, will fathom the meanderings of our share price or explain the busted dreams of some and the bling-bling that comes for others. But whatever comes, we should remember, shouldn't we, that our families, our blood, our homes and our communities have always been far more precious, however much we may have slighted them in our zeal to profit.

I expect to return to Florida in the middle of next week, and the price will probably not be appreciably different than it is today. True, confirmation of Barry Morgan's rumor may emerge and take us over a buck, or the SEC may take action against traders and market-makers and let the fallout sink our ship of dreams. You never know, and that's what so interesting about ERHE. And why it's so important to reember what does have value forever.

Good luck to all you, and see you next week.

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